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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Christian Weight Loss Scripture - Be Transformed

A critical Christian weight loss scripture is this one from Romans 12:2: "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

In your fight to regain your health using weight loss methods for Christians, the battlefield is your mind. As bible teacher Joyce Meyer puts it, "Where the mind goes, the man follows." Even though you became a new creation after accepting Christ, you must still renew your mind so that your thoughts are in line with this new person. One way to renew your mind is through prayer, praise, worship, and study of the Word.

Have you ever heard the saying, "If you do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got?" If you keep thinking the same thoughts, you will continue to take the same actions. To reverse that, you need to open your mind to new ways of thinking and acting.

Think of your brain as like a computer; it has many programs "installed" on it that help you do certain things. For example, you have a 'brushing my teeth' program, a 'combing my hair' program, and a 'dressing myself' program. Back when you were younger, you may have had to think hard to figure out how to do those things, but now that you have done them over and over, you don't even think about them anymore.

Whether you know it or not, you also have a program running in your mind that is keeping you overweight. You cannot have habits that are controlling your life without having thoughts that support them. Your habits are like the results you get from a computer; your thoughts are the programming that caused those results. So you can't change your habits without changing these thoughts.

Start by examining your thinking. Are you having thoughts that are sabotaging or self-defeating? Then you cannot let them go unchallenged. Just like a computer virus or malware can wipe out the data on your computer, these thoughts can wipe out your good intentions.

So be diligent to change your thoughts to support your goals. And you will lose weight faster than ever before!

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss And Menopause

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